Tuesday, 11 February 2014

On Remembering and Forgetting

In life, forgetting is as important as remembering.

Remember the lesson. Forget the pain.

We all go through many situations in life where we learn lessons that last a lifetime. It is very important to remember that lesson.

But it is more important to let go of the pain you went through to learn that lesson so you can move on. 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

To Laugh or To Cry?

So, I am doing my Masters in Psychology.

What is with this declaration, you wonder? Well, it will become evident in the next few lines.

The other day we were having a class and our professor was trying to decide which movie to show us for the course, and A Beautiful Mind was under consideration.

I believe the protagonist in the movie has schizophrenia (I've heard quite a bit about the movie and it is still on my to-see list... someday soon, hopefully!) and our professor (a PhD in Psychology) describes schizophrenia to the class as, "It is a severe mental disorder... of a very high order... (and some more such words later) you can take pills and get cured like the protagonist did in the movie."

A PhD in Psychology describing schizophrenia in these terms to a second year MA Psychology class... did not know whether to cry or laugh.

For the uninitiated: we study schizophrenia symptoms in much greater detail at graduation level so we KNOW HOW it is a severe mental disorder of the highest order in much complexity than he tried to describe it to us.

And NO it DOES NOT get cured. You can only manage the symptoms through drug therapy. I did not do Clinical Psychology and even I know this.

Hence the question, 'To Laugh or To Cry?'

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Why Have I Not Written in So Long?

Well, it isn't really news that I haven't written in long on this blog. Is it really because I have stopped having aha-moments? Can't be. I haven't stopped living, observing, breathing... which means I haven't stopped thinking. So, I've had aha-moments. 

Then what is it? Why haven't I written in so long? 

Maybe I haven't found the right words to express or indulge my thoughts in. 

Or maybe I have been so focussed on my other food blog so much that I have spent all my energies and creativity on it. It so often happens to us that we start few things but get so involved in just one of them that we forget or overlook the others. Even though they give us as much pleasure and are as important to us. 

But as I have come back to writing this blog, I have realised how much fun it has been to write this one too. How much I love writing about things apart from food. So, its good to stay in touch with this thing and do it. And I will keep writing here too.