Wednesday 21 August 2013

A Humbling Experience

Today I had a very humbling experience in the Developmental Paediatrician's office at the NGO I am interning with.

I saw that people hold onto hope, even if it is a flicker of so against hard facts, as if their lives depend on it; their sanity seems to do for sure. And doctors when they give their diagnoses, have to help people loosen their grip over this hope and accept the truth. And they do so in such a graceful and sensitive manner, day in and day out, without losing their sanity.

I have always respected doctors and the healing profession a lot. After today I have newfound levels of respect for it!


  1. Believe me its easier than it looks! We've always known that what we do and what we say to the patient matters as much as how we treat them. And if the doctor says its nothing you'll be okay in no time, however major the disease maybe, the patient starts recovering that very moment!! :)

    1. True, you guys do so much more than giving medicines as people tend to think. You are counsellors, confidants, rays of hope to so many! Keep up the great work! :-)

  2. I don't know if you watch Grey's Anatomy... and maybe it is not the best in terms of reflecting doctor's as a profession... but that's the closest I can get to what these people do, and go through... and that's beyond words. I smile often when people say they have stressful jobs... and I think to myself... dude chill... no one will live or die if you do or do not complete that ppt on time... it will not save a life, or give a new life... so stop kidding yourself... :)

    1. Haha yeah, there is a tendency to take work too seriously at times in people! I really wonder what doctors must be thinking when a person comes up to them with stress-related problems and says, "Oh I have so much work... everything is dependent on me and I have to keep working, I can't afford to take a break etc..."
